Student Data Security & Privacy Law

Education Law 2-D

New York State Education Law §2-d Part 121 of the Commissioner’s Regulations requires that each educational agency shall publish their Data Security and Privacy Policy and their Parents' Bill of Rights for Data Privacy and Security. 

The law also requires that with each contract an educational agency enters with a third-party contractor, that receives personally identifiable information (PII), must contain a signed bill of rights and supplemental information. In turn, each educational agency will have to publish, on its website, the signed parent’s bill of rights and supplemental information to the bill of rights for each software contract.

Data Protection Officer

Drawing of a man in a suit

Name: Scott Ryan, Superintendent


Phone: 607-334-1600

Mailing Address: 89 Midland Drive, Norwich, NY 13815

Data Security & Privacy Links

Reporting Possible Disclosure of Data


RIC One District Data Privacy Software Inventory Tool

RIC One is comprised of 12 Regional Information Centers in New York State. These RICs work together with the State Education department to develop and provide services to school districts. The RIC One Data Privacy and Security (DPS) initiative supports district compliance with New York State's Common Core Reform Act, Education Law 2-d and Part 121 Regulations. One of the items created to help assist districts was the Data Privacy Inventory Tool or DPIT.

The Data Privacy Inventory Tool compiles a list of district software as required by Education Law §2-d Part 121 Regulations. It provides a means for sharing our parents' bill of rights, supplemental information and compliance with components of the NIST Cybersecurity Framework. 

Key Categories of the Data Privacy Inventory Tool

Contract Source: How the software product is procured; BOCES, District, or District - Free

Supporting Documentation: Document links or attachments to signed parent's bill or rights and supplemental information

RIC One Third Party Agreement Tool

The NCSD Staff participates in annual training spotlighting Ed Law 2D.

Hand signing