School Tax Information:


For a copy of your tax bill or receipt, please contact Kim Myers at (607) 334-1600 ext. 5415 or email

School Tax collection starts October 1st. One school tax bill is mailed yearly at the end of September with two installment stubs attached. Taxes may be paid in full or in two installments. The bill is mailed to the homeowner unless an escrow company is on file.  

School Tax Payments

Payment Due Dates

October 31, 2024: 1st school tax installment collection due date with no interest/penalty

March 31, 2025: 2nd school tax installment collection due date with no interest/penalty

March 31, 2025: School tax collection period ends

No payments postmarked after March 31, 2025, will be accepted or processed by the School Tax Collector. All taxes remaining unpaid, plus interest and penalty, after March 31, 2025, shall be returned to the City of Norwich (city parcels) or Chenango County for collection of delinquent taxes.

Payment of Taxes


Checks should be made payable to NCSD Tax Collector.

Norwich City School District

Attn: School Tax Collector

89 Midland Drive

Norwich NY 13815

Date of payment will be determined by a United States Postal Service postmark. Any tax payment in an envelope without a U.S. Postal Service postmark will be considered paid on the date it is received by the school district. A postage meter postmark does not determine date of payment, nor does an envelope without a U.S. Postal Service postmark. (RPT 925)

** Walk in payments will not be accepted at the school.

In Person:

In person payment collections are not currently being offered. Please plan accordingly.

A Secure Dropbox is available at:

NBT Bank (main branch) - DROP BOX ONLY

52 South Broad Street

Norwich NY 13815

** Walk in payments will not be accepted at NBT.

Failure to receive a bill does not in any way affect the due date of the tax or penalty prescribed by law. (RPT 922).