
Lynne Cevasco

Vice President
Tameka Leib

Ryan Zieno

Amber Oliver

Contact us:

Funds Request Form

Purple Tornado

Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA)

Purple Tornado Community

The PTSA or Purple Tornado Parent Teacher Student Association, is a group of staff, parents, and community members committed to bettering the education of all students in the Norwich City School District. This organization, formed in 2013, collaborates across grade levels to bring programming, scholarships, equipment, and activities to the families of the district. If you are interested in joining our organization please contact any of the officers listed to the right. We are in need of Middle School and High School parent/guardian/community members. 

Mission Statement: Parent, teacher and community members will strive to make positive changes and encourage open communications between parents, school and community.

PTSA Bylaws Updated 2021