Food Services
Help Us Continue the Free and Reduced Lunch Program!!

Although there are no requirements to participate in the CEP program, we urge all families to complete and return the Eligibility Form available at the link below or by requesting a paper copy from any of our building offices. The Eligibility Form is incredibly important as it provides information that is essential to ensuring the district continues to receive its fair share of state aid revenue which is how we fund all of the great educational programs here at NCSD. Thank you for helping to make our school the best it can be! #gopurple
Helpful Links

Norwich City Schools is pleased to announce that for the 2024-2025 school year, the district will continue to provide school meals (breakfast and lunch) to ALL students at no cost. This is made possible through the Federal Community Eligibility Provision (CEP). We do ask all families to complete the Eligibility Form linked below which is an essential tool that helps us to ensure the district continues to receive its fair share of state aid revenue.
For more information, please contact NCSD Director of School Food Services,Billie Reigles, at or visit the Helpful links section at the bottom of the page to apply today!