Employee Benefits
Open Enrollment is open from May 15 through June 15.
Please submit all change forms to the district office as soon as possible.
The Norwich City School District has implemented a new platform for Open Enrollment. Please click on the link above for a tutorial of this new process. If you have not received an email to log into your account, please contact Lauren Van Beers at (607) 334-1600 x5504.
Health, Dental & Vision Open Enrollment will be open for the 2024-2025 School Year from May 15th through June 15th
Open Enrollment is an opportunity for you to change your dependents, choose to join or leave this plan, or choose to switch plan types (if applicable).
Norwich City School District currently participates in the MVP High Deductible Health Plan PPO. The plan options include HRA only or HRA Plan with a Health Savings Account (HSA). Please note: You must be enrolled in the Norwich health insurance plan to be eligible for Vision Insurance.
Norwich City School District currently participates in Guardian Life Insurance Company Dental & Vision Services. The plan options include the Low Plan, the High Plan , and the Medium Plan. The options available to you depend on your bargaining unit.
NACASP: High Plan Only
NEO & MCNR: High Plan or Low Plan
NESSA & GML: Middle Plan Only
Health Benefits

Health Plan Benefits
Health coverage is currently offered by MVP. Open enrollment for Health Coverage is held May 15 to June 15 with changes being effective July 1. Open enrollment material will be sent out by your Benefits Administrator.
Health Plan Information
Health Insurance Forms & Information
Dental & Vision Benefits

Dental & Vision Plan Benefits
Dental Coverage is currently offered by Guardian Life Insurance Company. Open enrollment for Dental & Vision Coverage is held May 15 to June 15 with changes being effective July 1. Open enrollment material will be sent out by your Benefits Administrator.
For details on dental plan benefits, click on the links that follow:
For details on vision plan benefits, click on the link that follows:
Dental & Vision Forms & Information
Contact Information
Norwich City School District
Lauren Van Beers - Human Resources Associate
Amanda Tuller - Director of Human Resources
AssuredPartners/ENV Insurance

MVP Customer Service
1-800-TALK-MVP (1-800-825-5687)
Guardian Customer Service
OMNI 403b
Lifetime Benefits Solutions - Flexible Spending
Norwich City School District currently offers Flexible Spending through Lifetime Benefit Solutions. For more information please visit Lifetime Benefits Solutions, or contact your Benefits Administrator. Open enrollment for Flexible Spending occurs in October to be effective January 1.